Hi! I'm...

Phillip Bernwanger.

Programmer / Developer

About Me

I'm an undergrad at Purdue University studying Computer Science. Some areas I've applied programming to include: Robotics (FRC) - Chatbots and Company Virtual Assistants - Web Development - Game Development (2D, 3D and VR) - Neural Network Design

My goal is to be able to master as many development mediums as possible, so that I may create whatever project comes to me.

Here are a few of the languages/technologies I'm proficient in:

Senior Photo


These are some of the things I've worked on. Hover for more info / click to view code. Some repos may be privated until further notice.

"Pharaoh" is a tele-operated as well as autonomously controlled robot programmed in Java. The robot competed in the 2020 FIRST robotics competition in which it ranked 22 in the state of Michigan before the season was canceled due to Covid-19. The robot's design includes an automated intake system using various sensors, as well as PID controlled shooting. My, as well as my fellow team members' contributions to the programming of the robot can be viewed at this github link.
"Swerve-2021" is an updated version of the robot "Sidestep" which was built and programmed in 2016. The robot utilizes a "swerve" drivetrain which features four wheels whose headings and speeds are controlled independently using various encoders (kind of like a motorized shopping cart). I contributed to the project during the off-season with other members of the 2020-21 software team. The project proved as a fun and challenging way to gain a better understanding of software engineering.
This bot, coded in Java, utilizes a multi-perceptron neural network trained in Neuroph. Using JDA (Java Discord API), the bot can correctly identify photos of a friend of mind when he is posted in any public channel. It then calculates the certainty of the prediction, and outputs a message to the server if it is over 60% sure that the photo is him.
This Unity C# project consists of a few scripts that allow the user to control a physics object in a 3D space with a 3D camera. I programmed the script intending to use it on future projects. The template also includes camera collision, jumping, and sprinting. The project was primarily to support clean camera movement using the mouse that allows the player to zoom in and out. The design itself is very simple.

Contact Me

Website Programmed and Designed by Phillip Bernwanger

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